Welcome to my Sustainable Urban Garden

My garden is a work in progress, always growing and changing within itself.

My gardens include many herbal beds, raised vegetable beds, raised "citrus heights" citrus tree bed, berry beds, fruit trees, grape arbor, rose beds and many perennial flower beds with annuals too. My greenhouse is still in the transformation stage,
as well as some planting areas.
Enjoy your journey through my gardens, I do!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Life is SPRINGING up everywhere!

This is one time when the actual jump into spring is happening in conjunction with a wonderful change in the weather. Wow! Hang-on, Spring is really really here!!! It is time to get my complete spring/summer garden into full production. As it stands now, I only have four beds growing vegetables. By April 1st I hope to have many more planted.

And I hear that other new gardens are in the planning stages of being developed. Maybe . . .


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