Welcome to my Sustainable Urban Garden

My garden is a work in progress, always growing and changing within itself.

My gardens include many herbal beds, raised vegetable beds, raised "citrus heights" citrus tree bed, berry beds, fruit trees, grape arbor, rose beds and many perennial flower beds with annuals too. My greenhouse is still in the transformation stage,
as well as some planting areas.
Enjoy your journey through my gardens, I do!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's Raining!!!

Wow! This rain is perfect to settle in new plantings. I wish I had had time to get all of my new plants into the ground. But the dozen or more will be happy campers. This rain has been a gift from Mother Nature. It will just be tough not working on all outdoor projects for three to four days.

My Lilac is most beautiful this year and smells so heavenly! I can't walk by without getting a full whiff by putting my nose in a thick blossom.

Here are a few highlights of my gardens now -

Soon to be harvested: peas and romaine lettuce.

And this years Shichifukujin Tree Peony is just gorgeous!

This newcomer, Pacific Coast hybrid "Purple and White" Iris is pretty nice too!

Each flower is a soul opening out to nature. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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